Clubs/Regional Associations

Membership Eligibility Criteria for Clubs/Regional Associations

A flying club is defined as an institution, for profit or otherwise, which engages in flying activities for paragliders and powered paragliders. Clubs are not allowed to conduct any training courses without meeting the minimum criteria required for Schools, but are however allowed to conduct other flying activities such as group cross country flying or expeditions. If a club also wishes to train students then they shall have to follow all the rules and guidelines set for schools as well.

These Clubs shall be granted membership of PAI, subject their meeting the following minimum criteria:

  • Club must have a qualified and experienced Administrator with a minimum of 5 years experience in PG/PPG.
  • Club must have at least one Administrator with a life saving / first aid certificate issued by a recognised Authority like the Red Cross or equivalent.
  • Club must have at least two stretchers, first aid kit, and a suitable vehicle for transportation of an injured person.
  • Club must be inspected and certified by 2 members of the PAI Managing Committee.
  • A club shall operate only for recreational solo flying for its members. It shall not be entitled to teach PG/PPG or to operate Tandem flights, unless it fulfils all the criteria stipulated for Schools.
  • A club shall be independently responsible for selecting or allowing pilots to join them. This will involve evaluation of the pilot’s skill and judgement.
  • Any club or School that infringes any of the above minimum requirements, after having been granted membership, shall be liable to have its membership revoked, at its own cost, risk and expense.
Club Association
₹2000 / year
  • ₹ 5,000 joining fees

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