Thirumoorthi Dam
Dates: 12th to 17th January 2019

PAI successfully organised a Winch Paragliding project over the Thirumoorthy Dam using a speed boat for mounting the winch. This was the first such attempt in India. The effort was spearheaded by G. Surendhran our new VP South who very kindly lent his Winch mounted on a boat specially fitted for this event. Surrounded on two sides by densely forested mountains and flatlands on the opposite sides with ample space along the shores of the lake for both take off and landing for multiple wind directions, this site provides one of the most perfect settings yet for SIV and Acro flying in the country. Several pilots joined in and flew multiple flights over 5 days including a few tandem flights. Pilots got sufficient height to perform full stalls, helicos and othe racrobatic manouvers safely over water with a jetski in readiness to retrieve any pilot landing in the water. More action is being planned at this site including SIV courses (to be conducted in collaboration with SIV instructors) and Acro flying.