PAI Member since - 2014

We are a community
with an enormous span of knowledge and expertise. We can harness our collective
knowledge and replace our system to design and create the best most elegant,
cost effective and sound solution, not just to rating system, but to every
problem we face as community.
We must
focus on bringing the collective intelligence of the community where our
talents can bring collective benefit
Working in accordance
with NASP, developing Paragliding/Paramotoring as a sport where athletes can
feel proud of representing country, developing sound local regulations so that
sport can be delicately nurtured are on
my agenda.
I bring in versatile
and wholesome experience of Project management (as a Professional), technical
knowledge base of Paragliding (as a XC pilot, XC competition pilot, vol-biv
Pilot, XC Competition Organizer), internal know how of the association workings
(as an Interim President of PAI in 2022), and most importantly intention to build
a better environment together.
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