Learn to Fly !
There are several schools that teach Paragliding at different locations in the country.
The PAI affiliated Paragliding Schools are :
All PAI Affiliated Schools have been given recognition by PAI following its own strict norms and qualifying criteria. All the schools are run by CFIs who either have an International Certification as Instructor from very respectable organisations like the BHPA, USHPA etc or they have been running their schools successfully since over a decade formally. These instructors also happen to be some of the most accomplished Competition Pilots, winners, holding top ranking in the country with a long list of achievements to their credit.
All these schools follow PAI approved syllabus to ensure uniformity in the teaching methods all over the country.
The syllabus follows the FAI’s Safepro Parapro system to ensure that the Students get trained in the highest international standards that are followed globally.
All the schools also follow the National Paraglider Pilot Rating System of PAI and their students are awarded the ratings based on the level they have completed, the practical tasks and theoretical assessment.